
Welcome to ReFind Design, eco-friendly jewelry designs and classes.

Bead and Button Classes

If you read my blog you know that I've been accepted to be an instructor at this year's Bead and Button show in Milwaukee. It is my absolute favorite show of the year and I am thrilled to be teaching there. My classes are now up on the website and available for registration! Here is all the information.

B142181 Art Clay Crane Sampler
Wed. June 4  4:00pm-7:00pm
Class Fee: $140.00
Description: Try out two types of Art Clay in this class with a crane-inspired twist! First, create origami cranes using Art Clay Paper, and then make a pair of stamped crane earrings using traditional Art Clay Silver.
Students will Learn: How to fold an origami crane using Art Clay Silver Paper as well as basic metal clay techniques.

B142182 Recycling and Resin
Fri. June 6  5:00pm-8:00pm
Class Fee: $110.00
Description: Resin and recycling are two of the hottest trends in jewelry today. Learn how to use resin on a variety of recycled materials, including dominoes, scrabble tiles, and poker chips, to make funky, unique jewelry.
Students will Learn: How to use UV resin on a variety of surfaces and applications.

B142184 Bohemian Button Bracelet
Sun. June 8  9:00am-noon
Class Fee: $160.00
Description: Design a bracelet with a vintage theme. Students will create fine-silver replicas of vintage buttons by making silicone molds that can be used again and again.
Students will Learn: Basic metal clay skills, including working with the clay, sanding, finishing, and polishing techniques; how to use a two-part silicone mold compound.

Registration has only been open for 6 days and I am happy to report that all of my classes have students. Hooray! Spaces are still available if you're interested in signing up. I would recommend heading over to the site as soon as possible since classes do sell out. Remember, register early and often...no wait, I think that's voting. :)

I hope to see you in Milwaukee!

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